RVA – Risk and Vulnerability Assessment is the beginning of any reflection of local and regional authorities on the impact of climate change in the observed geographical area, on existing assets and residents of the area. During the preparation of the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, a working team is formed consisting of Sensum experts in the field of climate change and local stakeholders, depending on the sector being analyzed.
Sectors such as agriculture, health, water supply, tourism, fisheries and the coastal zone are most often analyzed, and their number is determined depending on the priorities and needs of the observed area. This document defines risk in three components, which interact with each other as: a) dangerous event b) vulnerability, which includes sensitivity and adaptive capacity and exposure. At the same time, climate change risk classes range from: very low, low, medium, high and very high.
Our experts have led teams in making more Vulnerability and Risk Assessments in cities and municipalities in Istria, the Littoral and on the Dalmatian islands, and we will be happy to share some of the most interesting facts with you.